Saturday, January 10, 2009

Many people have inquired about (no I don't get credit if you join). It is a wonderful writing gig that pays over time. It is free, and eHow pays you money for writing short, how to articles. It is a lot like Facebook, but you get paid for social networking. The goal is to accumulate as many Friends as possible after writing articles. Your friends preview and rate your articles which help in search engine ratings. Your compensation is calculated by ad revenue. Ads are automatically placed in your article by Google AdSense, and are determined by key words and the content of your article. Basically, when your followers click through the advertisement ads within your article, you get paid.

Although each article may only generate $3-5/month, this ads up over time. Articles are very easy to write, and you can write about whatever interests you. You should have not problem writing 5-10 articles/week. If you write 50/month, that is about $150 of extra income. My highest paid article netted $20 in one month, so rates can vary dramatically depending on traffic and ad revenues. The best part is that this is residual income and builds every month. Maybe one month an article nets $5. Over 5 months the same article would continue to grow at a consistent rate of $5/month. At the end of 5 months the same article would be worth $ 25. I am aiming for 400 articles by the end of the year. If each article nets $5 , then my monthly income will be $2,000/ month. On top of this, I have learned how to link affiliate links to my articles. This is passive income that will grow in addition to my eHow income.

I will continuously ad to my article base, so my income will only grow. If you are a semi-good writer, then you can do this. Think about how 2 hours/day will help you grow a passive income during these tough economic times.

Here are a few of my top money earners so far

How to Survive on One Income and Make Money on the Internet

How to Teach a Child to Read

How to Make a Million Dollars

How to Lose Five (5) Pounds in Two Weeks (this is my top earner). Look at the ads on the side